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Marketing Refresh!

Marketing Refresh | Zookbinders

As the year winds to a close and all your wedding albums find their way into the the hands of your dearest couples, who send you rave reviews and many thanks, go ahead and give yourself a big pat on the back. Enjoy basking in the glow of another successful wedding season! But… don’t sit back for too long – you like the love right? So, how will you make that love-connection in the wedding seasons to come? Marketing of course! Read on to learn more on marketing wedding albums.

Be up-to-date, creative and on trend.

Looking ahead at the coming year what are you going to do to ramp up your outreach?  While you can network with vendors, ask for referrals, work that wedding show and spend your advertising budget on ads in “Best Of …” mags, one thing is for sure: your online game has to be tight. You are going to miss the boat on connecting with your potential client if once they go looking up the virtual you – they don’t see their perfect match. The impression you make in the first 30 seconds can send a bride-to-be swooning to your contact page or striking though your name on her search list. And it goes without saying that your social media presence has to be up-to-date, creative and on trend.

What to do about your website? Here are some givens:

● Your imagery has to be bold. The landing page has to show what your selling  – beautiful, romantic, dramatic, light, airy, dazzling and emotional images of the bride and groom.  

● Clients need to see your name and a photo on a great “about” page.

● Visitors need to know exactly how to contact you and where you are in the world.  

● When it come to websites -THINK MOBILE FIRST! Make sure to ALWAYS optimize pages, forms and marketing emails. The content on your mobile site has to be the same as the desktop version and make sure mobile sites load quickly.

● To improve lead registration, shorten your form. You can’t ask visitors to do much work. Get basic info and follow up for more.

Here are some things to freshen up your social media presence:

● Videos, videos videos – 92% of people that view videos, share videos. Create videos without sound or just music with TEXT. Often, on mobile devices, the sound is not turned on.

● BTS – Share Behind-the-Scenes and live content as a way to genuinely introduce yourself to your audience. They’ll want to learn more! Keep in mind you don’t have to be perfect and polished. You do you!

● Instagram should be the #1 focus, when marketing to brides. It has 60X more engagement than FB, which is #2 and Pinterest #3 when it comes to bride engagement. FB gets the most views from Thursday – Sunday.

Optimize your Search Rankings

For SEO use your key works and set aside time to blog. If January is slow for you find the time to prep blog and posts for the coming year that have relevant and searchable content and keywords. That way you don’t get behind when you are busier. Lastly, your approach needs to be genuine and likeable – only positive vibes here. New clients are developing and impression of you and deciding  if they are going to want you to come to a party on one of the most important days of their lives. Leave bolder opinions about politics, other photographers, previous careers and other nefarious topics off the radar.  Talk about the experience your couples will have. Let them know what’s in it for them!

Happy connecting!

Picture of Maureen Miller CPP

Maureen Miller CPP

Contributor to Marketing & Client Experience at Zookbinders. Professional photographer for 25+ years. An advocate for making money and doing what you love. My motto, ”Photography is a BIG DEAL!”

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