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Overcoming Objections About Professional Photo Albums

This Wedding Album with an Acrylic Cover is an example of one of most popular Professional Photo Albums

“Everybody wants a professional photo album with their photography services,” is something we wish were true 100% of the time. The reality is, photographers do find that some customers just aren’t interested in having a custom photo album included in their photography collection. Not to worry! The Zook team has some tips for overcoming objections about professional photo albums.

Professional photographers do more than just create beautiful imagery. Much of the time running a photography business means marketing for and selling to potential new clients. When couples or families are looking to book photography services the quality of photographers’ work, what’s included with the service, and the cost are all evaluated. Getting clients to sign on the bottom line might mean answering questions or overcoming concerns or objections to what’s been presented.

Customers make much of their purchasing decisions based on perceived value and emotions. Spending money, particularly larger amounts than people are used to, can be uncomfortable. That’s why it’s important to listen to and try to understand customers’ concerns or pushback in order to come up with helpful solutions. 

Here are some ideas for overcoming objections about professional photo albums:

A Conversation About Professional Photo Albums

Client: “We’d like to go with the Silver Collection with 10 hours of coverage and a second photographer. However, would we be able to remove the premium photo album from the collection?”

Photographer: “We can take a look at customizing a collection for you. Can I ask why you want to remove the album in particular?”

Scenario One

Client: “I don’t know if I really like photo albums. My friend has a photo book from her wedding and it’s just OK. I also think my parents’ wedding album is kind of hokey. I guess it’s just not my thing.”

Photographer: “Oh yes, I completely understand that some styles and trends don’t stand the test of time. (Giggles.)  Wedding albums have changed over the years. There’s also a wide variety of product options out there. Let me show you what the customized wedding album that I offer looks like. That way you’ll  have a better idea of what you’re getting with the collection. Here’s a studio sample of my most popular wedding album. 

Scenario Two

Client: “I don’t know if I have the patience to pick out all the pictures for the photo album and then decide what pages to put them on. It just seems like a lot of work. I think I’d be happy enough with just the digital files.”

Photographer: “Oh my goodness, yes! I completely understand. Choosing 75 images from the gallery of 1500 can be challenging. I’m glad you brought that up. Don’t worry, I have a solution for helping you select the best images for your wedding album. 

The tool that I use helps to narrow down to the best images for your album, based on my designing experience. You’re able to make changes, add images, or swap them out. It’s a great head start.

I also want you to know that you do not have to tell me how you’d like the album laid out. I’m happy to provide you with a proof of the design that I think looks best. You can make any changes if needed. The Silver Collection includes all the services needed to get you a truly unique photo album. 

professional photo albums,Professional Wedding Albums,Custom Photo Album,Wedding Album Design,Professional Photographer
Help your client understand how easy it is to choose images for their professional photo album by using an Image Selection to get them started with the process.

Scenario Three

Client: “We’re just trying to keep costs in line with our budget and we thought that taking out the album would save us some money.”

Photographer: “ I completely understand trying to stick to a budget. Weddings can be a pretty big investment. 

I know it’s hard to imagine now how valuable a photo album will be as the years go by. Having a printed collection of your favorite images is a great keepsake. I don’t want you to miss out on that.

I can offer you a smaller album or a different cover to reduce the cost. If you’d like to look at other ways to trim up the collection we could do that.”

professional photo albums,Professional Wedding Albums,Custom Photo Album,Wedding Album Design,Professional Photographer
It’s sometimes hard to sell the future. Sharing the experience a client may have one day looking through their album, rather than a bunch of files, could change their minds about getting a wedding album.

Listening to your clients’ concerns and understanding where they might need more information, or examples to see the value in the service you’re providing is a great way to overcome objections about professional photo albums. 

Zookbinders, a McKenna company, offers solutions for professional photographers like image selection, and wedding album design. Our beautiful, modern, handcrafted professional wedding albums deliver an elevated experience to any photographer’s clientele. 

To chat with one of our experts about the services we offer professional photographers, you can make an appointment HERE.

Picture of Maureen Miller CPP

Maureen Miller CPP

Contributor to Marketing & Client Experience at Zookbinders. Professional photographer for 25+ years. An advocate for making money and doing what you love. My motto, ”Photography is a BIG DEAL!”

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